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How to Use Transfer Slings Correctly

Time : 2024-10-11

A transfer sling is one of the most vital types of equipment in the healthcare field, meant to help patients who have difficulty in being relocated across spaces. When correctly applied, transfer slings can also protect the patient or caregiver from co injuries sustained during transfers.


Understanding Transfer Slings

Transfer slings like the ones available at Chuangguo are usually made from strong and flexible materials with many designs for various transfers. These are mostly used with a lift while transferring to places without causing much pressure on the patient or their relocators.

Preparing for Transfer

Sling type will depend on the patient’s condition which is why it is important to evaluate the condition of the patient first before a transfer sling is used. Some of these include body weight, weight ability & presenting illnesses. Make sure the slings are clean and all in order before using it.

Using the Sling Safely

Positioning: The patient’s sling should be placed evenly under the patient and in the center of the patient. The same should be done to the straps as in the previous case.

Lifting: Use the harness or lift while lifting the patient off the surface of an object; do not make sudden jerks; lift more gently in a steady fashion.

Transferring: Once they have lifted the person, move and place the person carefully within the transfer. While keeping the sling sturdy prevent slippage or loosing of sling.

Lowering: Bring down the patient to the new surface slowly until he is fully settled in there. Insure him that he is well positioned before taking off the sling

Post Transfer Maintenance

After the completion of the transfer, check the subject area for any pressure points and skin irritation. In patient handling devices with slings that feature handles, rotating the handles is not permitted this prevents patient entrapment between the sling and the device


Limiting the use of transfer seems to be enhancing the patients dignity and safety when transferring patients. By following these guidelines and utilizing high-quality slings from trusted brands like Chuangguo, caregivers can provide the best possible care while minimizing risks. It should always be remembered that these are only aids and effective, for safe use of transfer slings, proper training is mandatory.

PREV : Material Analysis of Patient Lift Slings

NEXT : Application and Care of Toileting Slings

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